A Call To Stop Dog-Earring

This weekend during coffee o'clock, my nearest and dearest turned to me and said, "You know I was thinking last night, real change has to start with more than just turning down the corners of a magazine."

I looked at him inquisitively, and he went on to say, "You know how people mark catalogs by turning down the corners of the page. Well, real change requires more than just having an interest in the subject."

The insight reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine last week. I told her about a book that I had just found, which I thought might be helpful to her. I asked if she had heard of it, and she replied, "Yep, actually, I bet it is sitting on the bookshelf over there" We both laughed knowingly. One of our many inside jokes is the number of books and resources we have purchased and never read. This use to be a HUGE problem for me. I could have purchased stock in Amazon. Anytime I had an inkling to learn something new or start a new adventure, I would go out and buy a book (ok, maybe 2-3 books), and then they would come. I MIGHT crack them open and skim them, or I might just put them on the bookshelf telling myself I would read them at a later time', but never actually getting around to it.

Finally, a few years ago, I had a little 'come to Jesus' moment’, as I call it, and realized not only was I wasting a lot of money, but there was a deeper problem going on. I took the safe road, made the easy move. I was looking for the resource, doing the research but not making any fundamental changes. I was kidding myself that I would learn photography, color mandalas, or train my dog. The list can go on and on.

We often buy a book or take a class thinking we will be changed just in the purchase alone. But change is greater than a purchase, greater than even reading the book. Change is a consistent process of action. Sometimes that action moves us forward; sometimes, it moves us backward; sometimes, it is learning how just to be. But it is an action. Change requires pushing our comfort zone paying attention to when we get uncomfortable. Change requires awareness of how we feel when we pick up a book or walk into a class to learn something new. Without this awareness, we unknowingly put up roadblocks and passively prevent change. Maybe we need to pick up the book and do a quick skim, maybe we need just to read chapters 1-5 and let it percolate, maybe we need just to dive in and embrace the fear and learn something new.

The point is it is time to stop dog-earring our way through life!!! I have been just 'dog-earring' the page of the things I want to change and learn all those years. What ideas have you been just dog-earring in your own life?


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The Moments of And